Friday, October 31, 2014

The Truth About Vitiligo

,Vitiligo is an autoimmune skin disease. It is not a blessing. It is not a curse. Vitiligo is not a genetic variation. Vitiligo is not a skin disorder. Vitiligo is a bonfire autoimmune disease, whereby the immune system attacks melanin, or pigment. Inflammation drives autoimmune attacks.
Denying science harms people. When you understand what is going on, you are empowered. Education allows vitiligo sufferers to make their own intelligent choices.
As a child, I yearned to know what was wrong with my skin. There were no answers that satisfied me. 'There's nothing you can do' was unacceptable. I wanted facts. I wanted science.
Truth is, vitiligo is not a disease that science cares enough about. It affects a relatively small part of the population. There's not enough money in vitiligo to warrant adequate and aggressive research. That didn't stop me from doing my own research. That didn't stop me from reversing my own vitiligo.  Education and science taught me how to care for my vitiligo, inside and out.
Vitiligo Treatment Store

Check out the 18% Off Sale on Everything. Consider reading my book to learn how to care for your vitiligo.  Vitiligo a treatment Store

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