Monday, February 24, 2014

Client Testimonial

Client A was seeing progress at a slower pace than she liked. 

The Basal Temperature Test led to adding supplement to nourish the thyroid. 

Her pigmentation really took off with lifestyle changes that she implemented. 

In Client A's own words:

Good afternoon Dr Kee and  Happy 2014.

Here's my  2nd  Prog ress report:

1)  Since taking Iodoral and Raw thyroid meds, my balding hair (forehead)  has grown alot and no longer itchy.
2)  Both eyebrows has light  brown pigments up to  70%.
3)  Both eyes under lashes has 80%  light brown color.
4)  Face - left cheek 90% clear of very light skin color.
                right cheek  95 % clear    "       "     ".     "
              -both cheeks are a liitle bit smooth and hyper pigmentation decreased.
5)  Neck- is  98% clear of white spots.
6)  Chest - 95 % clear.Very tiny spots are hardly recognizable. Looks like it
                 blended with my skin.
7)  Arms- both arms 90% clear of white spots.Freckles/dark spots is 70% lighter.
8)  Both legs- still has some tiny and moderate size of  white spots (not opaque white).
                But the dark spots on both shins is 90% clear. I am very happy about this.
                Sometimes its itchy.

  Thanks  Dr. Kee

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Easy Steps to Beautiful Skin

Easy Steps to Beautiful Skin 

Everything is marked 15% Off during our Winter Sale!
Best Prices of the year!

When it comes to beautiful skin, there are some simple steps that can make your skin silky smooth, even in the harsh winter months that we are experiencing now.

When you shower, don't dry off with a towel, instead, use your hands to remove excess water from your skin, then immediately apply our nourishing body butters or  Vitiligo Pigment Boosting Oil, followed by Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream Extra Strength.

Leaving your skin moist not only hydrates your skin, it also allows the butters, oils and creams to penetrate all layers of skin easily and readily. Slightly wet skin also allows essential oils to enter your bloodstream for internal healing.

This is why it is so important to use pure, natural, organic and wild herbals, essential oils, nut and seed oils and butters and healing flower essences on your skin.

Every product that I make and sell have unique healing and balancing properties. There are no worthless fillers or additives that do not serve a purpose. There is natural sunscreen in the products I develop, so that my clients do not need to add chemical sunscreens to their skin.

Complete care for vitiligo, eczema, psoriasis, aging, dry or damaged skin, acne, scar tissue and burns.

Visit us at
or Phone 81732962829

Kee, ND leads the field in natural healing for vitiligo. When Kee says, "I know what you're going through," she really means it!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Vitiligo & Natural Health Tips

Kee's February Health Tips

Traditional Naturopath Kee is a Vitiligo Expert, Author, Plant-Based Nutritionist & General Natural Health Practitioner based in  New York, NY

Best Selling Vitiligo Rapid RePigmenting Kit! 

I'd like to address the most frequently asked questions that are often asked of new clients.
Vitilgo is a complex disease that requires a holistic, or whole body approach to healing. 
That means you need to live a healthful lifestyle, get sunshine daily, when possible, even on cold, cloudy or snowy days. There are healthful UV rays coming through those sometimes overcast skies that help to fight vitiligo directly on the skin. The sun is a powerful life force. 
There are many myths about vitiligo and avoiding certain healthful foods such as citrus. Citrus is important to healing the skin and it is important to healing vitiligo. Lemons and limes in water, for example, help to make the system more alkaline. Alkalinity leads to a healthier body that is inhospitable to inflammation. The myths about citrus come from the fact that it is citric acid or sour food. We actually need healthful ascorbic acid, or Vitamin C, and other healthful acids that help to break down foods and extract enzymes and nutrients. Lemons and limes are actually very alkalizing to the system. They do not leave an acidic footprint that would encourage inflammation and disease, so these foods are very good for people with vitiligo and for health in general.
Another myth is that people with vitiligo should avoid the sun. This is completely false and completely dangerous to your health. Avoiding the sun not only encourages pigment loss, it robs us of life sustaining vitamin D3. Vitamin D helps with pigmentation, as it synthesizes directly on the skin. Studies show that vitamin D3 also helps with blood pressure, along with preventing certain cancers and many other diseases. D3 has numerous other healthful benefits. Before medicines were
 mass produced in laboratories, sunlight was a major form of healing therapy for many diseases, including tuberculosis. A daily dose of sunshine is a good thing; however, massive amounts of chemically created sunblock is not. In my products, I use natural sunscreen ingredients to help ensure clients don't burn. I also suggest light colored clothing in intense sun. There are many people who buy expensive UV blocking clothing. Not only is this a waste of money, it robs these people of the healthful benefits of sun. Regular dark colored clothing such as black and dark blue, automatically block UV penetration; however, I suggest lighter colored clothing so that some light will penetrate, as we need it to live healthful, long lives and to regain our naturally beautiful skin tones. 
Many ask what is the best product if you are new to the regimen. I suggest either the Vitiligo Complete Care Kit or the Vitiligo Rapid RePigmentation Kit for new clients. The kits add the extra boost of complete herbals to balance internally, while attacking vitiligo directly on the skin. For many clients who just want to work on their skin, I suggest both the Vitiligo Herbal Skin Cream Extra Strength and the Vitiligo Pigment Boosting Oil, which are found in the kits as well. These two products contain the essence of my many years of research on vitiligo and practical experience in using these ingredients on myself as well as the thousands of clients and members of VSIG email support group in the 1990s. 

Hopefully, this blog has answered some of your questions or concerns about vitiligo and the regimen to start. I'm not concerned about whether vitiligo is segmental or universal. A holistic approach means that we address any dysfunction as one body - one disease. If your body is healthy, your skin will be healthy too! 
Skin is our largest organ. It excretes wastes and absorbs nutrients. It is imperative that we get our skin to a healthful state, whether it's vitiligo, eczema, psoriasis, acne, boils, scar tissue or burns.  Getting the skin to a healthful state so that blood and the life force, chi, can move freely, and facilitate healing for flawless, disease-free skin is our ultimate goal.

Phone orders: 18172962829