Thursday, April 28, 2016

Yes, vegans/vegetarians can and do get enough plant based protein!

One of the biggest and most persistent myth about the vegan/vegetarian diet is that plant eaters do not get enough protein. 100% not true.

Many whole, gluten-free grains are packed with protein. Quinoa, Amaranth, Buckwheat, Mycoprotein (Quorn), Chia, Walnuts, Beans with Rice, Fermented soy, Peas with Ezekiel sprouted bread, hempseed, spirulina, blue-green algae, oats, wild rice (wild rice a grass, not a rice), peanut and other nut butters, and chickpea hummus provide proteins.  Avocado is rich in proteins, along with mushrooms, which can provide vitamin B12. 

When we eat a variety of foods that are rich in nutrients including proteins in foods like green vegetables and seaweed, we get sufficient protein without the threat of disease that comes with eating animals, drinking animal milk and flavoring from animal blood and fat. 

Our fats, such as nuts, seeds and other plants and produce, and green blood, also known as chlorophyll, are the building blocks of health. Animal protein is linked to cancers, diabetes, obesity and many other maladies. 

Though the myths persist, vegans and vegetarians have many healthful protein choices that promote optimum health, without slaughtering helpless animals. 

Next time you want a burger, try Beyond Beef. It is packed with protein from peas and other plant-based nutrients. Topped with onions, lettuce avocado and spicy vegan mayo, you will not miss the taste of animal flesh. 

I hope you find this post helpful. 
To your perfect health! 

Kee, Traditional Naturopath, Vitiligo Skin Care Professional
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