Friday, June 13, 2014

Habits of Clients Who Successfully Heal

Successful Habits of Clients Who Heal
By Naturopath Kee
There are some very important lessons to learn when it comes to healing.  People who successfully heal tend to have certain qualities, like reading and following instructions. If you have more than a few questions about any given disease and the leading expert in the field has written a book, take the time and resources to buy the book and actually read it. Keep it as a reference for any questions or issues that may come up in the future.

Successful people actually follow the regimen. They adhere to the suggested per day usage of therapies; they get outside for healing sun and mild exercise; they drink sufficient water daily; they juice and/or make healthful smoothies; and they eat to live, as opposed to living to eat.
Live foods promote life. Fresh, raw, local, in season plant-based foods sustain life. Make your local farmers; market your pharmacy. 
 The most important attribute of clients who successfully heal is perseverance. They stick with it. They use products as directed. They make the necessary lifestyle changes. They get results!
Many clients don't get sunlight, either because they are working during the day, or they believe the myth that people with vitiligo should avoid the sun. Most unfortunate, because sunlight is essential to health and life. If plants do not get sufficient sunlight stimulation, they die. The same with humans. The sun powers our health. The sun is necessary for us to make our own vitamin D via the skin. We cannot be healthy without sunlight. Synthetic light therapy does not provide the full healing powers of natural sunlight's healing rays. We suggest at least 30 minutes per day of healing sun. If you burn easily, cover up with lightweight, light colored clothing and hats. Using UVB blocking creams, oils and clothing is dangerous to your health! We are not vampires. We are not allergic to the sun! It's a myth that far too many medical doctors continue to perpetuate. 
For those who are not getting sufficient sun to stimulate pigmentation and cannot afford UVB therapy or laser therapy should consider joining a gym like Planet Fitness. For a $20 a month fee, two people can go to the gym, and more importantly, one can use the red light therapy, which helps to heal and repair skin. The red light therapy also helps to lift the mood and to retard the aging process. There is no substitute for natural sunlight; however, you can subsidize sun therapy with alternative light therapies.
For clients who struggle with degenerative or autoimmune diseases, getting rid of milk and other animal products is highly suggested. Opt instead for gluten-free whole grains and seeds that are packed with proteins and nutrients, as well as high protein plants such as avacado and hemp. If you replace foods from cans, bags, boxes and plastics with fresh fruits, vegetables, raw seeds and nuts, your body will heal and repair itself. It will cast off weight faster and it will reverse aging and illnesses that medical doctors claim are impossible to improbable to reverse. 
Commit to healing. Take charge of your health issues. Juice live produce, make smoothies with hemp powder and spirulina instead of whey, take a walk in the healing sun daily, even if the skies are overcast or cloudy, laugh out loud and love with all the passion you can muster. 
This is the recipe for healing. You can do it! Let's get to it! 

Traditional Naturopath Kee
Code: VSIG for $5 off*  

 Vitiligo Treatment

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