Saturday, June 28, 2014

Vitiligo, Summer and Your Perfect Health.




 I hope everyone is having a great summer thus far. I'm a Traditional Naturopath who had vitiligo from very early childhood through adulthood. I began researching the disease as a teen and learned to correct imbalances in my body with nature based foods, herbals, oils and other naturally healthful lifestyle choices. My research in a support group in the '90s gave me some valuable information on the fact that people with vitiligo are unique and the disease responds differently in every person. I also educated people with vitiligo on the importance of understanding that vitiligo is not a cosmetic disorder. Vitiligo is an autoimmune/genetic disease that coincides with other autoimmune diseases, dysfunctions and imbalances. In recognizing those who are comfortable in their own skin, I encourage all people with vitiligo to listen to your body. We tend to have a lot of imbalances that may not necessarily show up in standard medical tests, or that many practitioners may ignore. if something feels 'off,' don't allow anyone to convince you that you're okay. You know your body better than anyone. Listen to it carefully, for it is the most sophisticated machine that will alert you to dysfunction through sickness, skin problems, hair loss, sluggishness, indigestion, itching, mental fog and other signs. Always know that our bodies are very good at saying, Hey! I'm not okay right now! Please, take care of me, for I'm the only body you will ever get.
Have a great weekend and a safe summer. 



Visit my website and subscribe to my blog for Kee's Health Tips. Love and Healing, Kee, ND 8172962829

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